Legal information


Fondation SENS
Obstgartenstrasse 28
8006 Zurich
+41 43 255 20 00

Legal form
Foundation in accordance with Swiss law

Business identification number
CHE-106.117.078 MWST

Technical implementation
Open Interactive
Sempacherstrasse 17
4053 Basel

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The author assumes no liability whatsoever that the information is correct, accurate, complete or up to date. Liability claims against the author for tangible or intangible damage suffered as a consequence of accessing, using or not using the published information, of misusing the connection, or of technical disruptions are excluded. All offers are non-binding. The author expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the website or the entire offering without separate announcement, or to discontinue publication temporarily or permanently.

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Copyright and all other rights pertaining to content, images, photographs and other data on the website are the exclusive property of SENS eRecycling or the separately named right-holders. The prior written consent of the copyright-holder is required for the reproduction of any and all elements.

© 2024 SENS eRecycling